Board Of Trustees

Meetings are held the THIRD THURSDAY of each month at 5:00p.m. in the school staffroom.

All meetings are open to the public and anyone is welcome to attend.

Under the Education Act 1989, the Board of Trustees is given the responsibility of governing the school.  This is done through the implementation of policies.  The Principal's role is to manage the school on a day-to-day basis within the guidelines of those policies. Board of Trustees is elected every three years.


Murray Borrows Tumuaki - Principal
Jan Waitere Presiding Member
Preston Muru Staff Representative
Kath Maru Parent Representative
Tania Maru Parent Representative
Hukarere Moeke Parent Representative


N.P.S Strategic plan-2024-2025-1.pdf

N.P.S -Charter-and-Strategic-Plan-2019-2022-docx.pdf





Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Waikato Post Ramming Ngaruawahia Electrical V - Dub Shoppe Kiwi Timber Supplies Roberts Ngaruawahia Pharmacy Te Hoe Home Kills Seafood Bazaar Meg Daly - Harcourts Ngaruawahia Paula Jelaca - LJ Hooker
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