Essential Information



KickStart Assemblies are held every Monday @ 9:10am where the value of the week is presented and an upated on house points are given.

Celebration Assemblies are held every 2nd Friday 12.15pm – 1.00pm.  Parents and interested persons are always most welcome to attend.

Bikes and Scooters

All children riding bikes or scooters to kura should have a good knowledge of the road rules and MUST wear cycle safety helmets. The kura does not permit children under the age of 8 riding to kura. 

Bicycle stands are provided in the swimming pool area where they will be locked up for the day. Children are not permitted to ride their bikes in the school grounds during school hours. 


As a parent/caregiver, you may be concerned about the progress of your child at kura or there may be a concern about a situation at kura. We encourage you to please, make contact with the classroom kaiako concerned first and if you are unhappy with the outcome, then it is important that you come and speak with one of the Associate Principals or the Principal. Our complaints Policy clearly outlines the procedures for parents/caregivers to follow if they wish to take matters further. This is available from the school office.

Field Trips

Educational experiences which cannot be provided within the classroom benefit both students and teachers. It is wished that parents/caregivers share in the responsibility for providing transportation, assisting with supervision, and subsidizing these trips. A permission slip needs to be signed by the parent/caregiver to cover any field trip that is organized by kaiako. 


When homework is given it is to consolidate work covered by the student at school. Students may have homework three to four nights a week. Reading is encouraged at all levels although Junior school children will be issued with a Home Reader in a Journal Cover on most days. Middle/Senior school students have over and above this, teachers may set other work that relates to topic studies or children may, on their own initiative continue with their topic study in their own time. Homework will only be set when the teacher is sure that individual students have the skills, knowledge and access to the necessary resources or data to successfully complete their task.


The school has a well-stocked Library. Books are issued for a two-week period and children are responsible for returning them on the due date. Books that are lost or damaged must be paid for and accounts are sent home at the end of each term. 

Lost Property

The amount of lost property collected and stored at kura is a major concern. Please ensure all your child’s clothing and personal gear is clearly named. Unclaimed items of clothing are collected and placed in a box with the Associate Principal: Guidance. You may view this at any time. All unclaimed gear is disposed of or sent to a local charity at the end of each term.


The kura provides all stationery to students each year. At the beginning of the year all students are issued with a stationery that the classroom kaiako has required. If children are required to purchase stationery, this can be done from the Office. 

Reporting to Parents

Currently we report to parents/caregivers three times per year on children’s progress. Whanau –Whole school event in Term 1. Parent interviews are held in Term 2 and in Term 4 a written report is issued. At any time during the year, parents/caregivers can request an interview by making an appointment with the classroom kaiako. The kura also uses classdojo to show case learning within the classroom and across the kura. 

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Waikato Post Ramming Ngaruawahia Electrical Fresh Choice Ngāruawāhia V - Dub Shoppe Kiwi Timber Supplies Roberts Ngaruawahia Pharmacy Te Hoe Home Kills Seafood Bazaar Meg Daly - Harcourts Ngaruawahia Paula Jelaca - LJ Hooker
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